Agro Source carries bulk dry fertilizer and can make custom blends with Nitrogen, Phosphate, Potash, Sulphur and ESN (Slow Release Nitrogen) to fit your needs.
Mini-bulk bag loading is available!
We can also blend micronutrients such as Boron, Copper and more from a variety of suppliers.
Please note that all prices are subject to change without notice.
We have a great team of staff members to help find the blend for you!
Give our Office a call to talk to our Fertilizer and Ag Sales representatives Don Biegel, Terry Marriott & Perry Wilfur.
Our experienced staff can help you find a blend to fit your needs and your budget!
If you choose to fill out our online request form, please be aware that if you do not receive a reply via email, we ask that you try to re-email us at or give us a call at 250-782-4449. As we have been having some difficulties receiving the forms.
Please contact us for a free quote to get our competitive prices! Call us or fill out a Fertilizer request form.